Being Judgemental And The Current Realities In Today's World!!!

"When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself".
Earl Nightingale

Life entirely has made humanity full of weaknesses, strengths and imperfections.
The world places us in irredeemable circles that no one can claim to be a Fakir and thus judging other or casting aspersions of any kind.
For the world we live, gives us our share of the challenges, successes, pains  and sacrifices only peculiar to us alone.

Some have called themselves holy but looking deeply Who is really a  holy man, and on what basis has the world come to conclude that one is a fakir and a symbol of perfection?

 I ask again, who is the  archetype of perfection and blamelessness?
Is it someone who judges others or he who goes about doing what is seemingly right?
Well these are the hard knocks that we must crack.

These days It is a common phenomenon to  see people very quick to judging others supposed wrong doings and swift to concluding on who is holy and who isn't.
Such persons are fast to forgetting that there is usually a side of a story one has not heard, a story ones knows nothing about, and a battle waged that is not one's fight.
In fact, funny enough the over religiosity of our society has complicated and exacerbated this social ill.
Most times, it is believed that One who is a frequent church goer and one who prayS 5 times a day as a Muslim should be regarded as holy while the one who does the contrary is regarded as the devilish one.
Quite hilarious, what a world we live in!
Judging other people is a  thing of the mind and and People do it for many reasons:
1. A feeling of perfection in oneself and an illusionary believe that they are better than others.
2.People judge because their mind doesn't put through with someone or something.
3.Because of where we come from
4.Because of the friends we keep and the exploit and the height reached.

 For me, I think what is important is getting our motives right.
What if the ones  given positive remarks merely observe religious creed in stinking hypocrisy.

What if some some of them find their ways to these sacred alters because of the ugliness of their past?

 Is it not the case that those tagged as blacksheeps are ones who do less of religiosity and more putting a smile to their next door neighbor faces with a simple act of kindness and a pure heart?

Why then are we  quick to judge without knowing  the roots and circumstances warranting happenings before  hasty and judgemental conclusions?

  Taking a cursory look at some of the reasons why people judge or quickly determine the Fakir, keeps Me unsettled because those reasons are futile and worthless, stabbing logic in the head.
moreover,  judgement  should be left in the hands of divinity as inscribed in the jurisprudence of the  the Holy Bible and Quran and religious believes and guiding beliefs.

For instance, We all know smoking and irresponsible alcoholism is not good to the health even with the indications written on packs of cigarettes that smokers are liable to die young. However, that doesn't make a smoking person the bad one nor does it makes the other person who does not the holy one. One may derives joy in smoking and taking alcoholic drinks but kindheartedly  wishes people around him the best and does good and on the contrary the one who  doesn't smoke nor take alcoholic drinks and also attend holy place may be Lucifer himself.
The world we live in is full of twist and turns and amazing irony.
So tell me who is the holy one?
Let's invest our time loving humanity and encouraging to live beyond their weaknesses and stereotypes rather than the stress of castigating anyone because before God are equally even in our shortcomings.

Lets allow for a beautiful world by erasing such judgemental mindset for with that we enjoy peace and rest of mind.


Ayodeji Onafowokan said…
Unknown said…
Am super duper proud of you my Darling Princess ��������❤️❤️❤️❤️

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